Points for You to Consider Planting Shade Trees

Trees are usually planted for ornamental purposes of planting shade trees. People think that it adds beauty to the surroundings. Not many people know that aside from the aesthetic aspect, there are other benefits that would somehow convince you get your own shade tree for your yard. Among the many reasons why you should think of planting a shade tree are as follows.

Points for You to Consider Planting Shade TreesShade trees planted in the right places conserve energy

In summer, trees in general provide shade by blocking the direct rays of the sun which contains harmful ultraviolet rays causing skin cancer. In winter, shade trees provide warmth and some trees like evergreens can serve as a windbreak that blocks the cool wind. These days, the problems brought by unpredictable weather due to persistent climate change can adversely affect our day to day life and comfort. It is somehow amazing to know that planting a tree could make a difference.

You won’t get a shocking utility bill

Shade trees can provide a soothing shade and keeps the surrounding environment cooler in crazy hot summer. According t o latest data, it reduces the air conditioning cost by up to thirty five percent. It will also keep your air-conditioning system cool and in good running condition. Consequently, in winter, it serves as a windbreak thereby limiting your urge to turn on your heating system.

It cools even the hard surface areas

Tree shades the sideways, walkways, driveways and cold concrete roads. It will make the entire community cool and relaxing.

It blocks noise and maintains the serenity of the neighborhood

According to research, trees can block noise by up to forty percent. It will help in keeping the peaceful ambiance at home. You will enjoy reading a book in a cool comfy atmosphere and loving the greens and the feeling of being so close to nature.

It is inexpensive.

I am pretty sure that it is within your means.

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