Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of our valued customers frequently asked questions:

1)“What size tree can you move?”

We supply trees between 6 and 30 feet tall, including the common evergreen and deciduous trees used in Ontario landscaping.

Sugar maple, Norway spruce, Colorado blue spruce and white pine are some popular types.

2) “How often should I water my tree?”

You should water your tree twice a week (two ten minute watering sessions a week) as a general rule, during the first year.

3) “When can I take my tree stakes out?”

You can remove them after one year. At this point the tree has developed strong enough roots that it can withstand the wind.

4) ”Is it risky to transplant a tree? (Is it hazardous to the trees health?) “

We use standard industry practices when transplanting trees. The important rule to follow is to take enough of the trees root-ball when digging it. Risks are very low if proper procedures are followed.

5) “When is the best time to plant?”

The prime times are spring and fall. We dig trees during those times, meaning they can be replanted at your site any time of the season March to December.

6) “What is the biggest tree you can move and plant?”

The size of the tree we can move and plant depends on the species. In regards to Norway spruce and white pine we can move trees up to 30 feet tall. With most other species we can move trees up to 25 feet tall.

7) “What kind of equipment is used?”

At Caledon Treeland we use the latest and most up to date industry standard equipment. Depending on the situation we use tree spades mounted on bobcats as well as large spade trucks.

For any other questions regarding our products or services, please call Caledon Treeland at: (905) 880 1828 and one of our friendly staff members will assist you.