Why Planting Trees Can Boost The Value Of Your Home

Increasing the property value of your home can be a lucrative investment, but costly. Between structural improvements and routine maintenance, homeowner expenses do add up. A simple way to boost the property value of your home is to plant trees. Here are three reasons why investing in greenery around your home can increase property value while simultaneously you money.

#1 Economic Value

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Trees provide cover and shade on a hot day, also insulating your home and lowering hydro bills. The same rule applies in the winter. Trees are a type of windbreak and keep cool air out and warm air in. Another economic benefit from trees is that shade helps save water in gardens and lawns by keeping the air cool and reducing water evaporation.

#2 Environmental Benefits

Why Planting Trees Can Boost The Value Of Your Home

In addition to energy conservation, trees are a key component in the ecosystem by providing shelter for birds and other animals. They also naturally purify the air and absorb airborne pollutants. Trees fight water pollution by decreasing runoff and preventing soil erosion — and, of course, they provide oxygen to breathe.

#3 Trees Gain Value over Time

Why Planting Trees Can Boost The Value Of Your Home

The value of a tree appreciates over time. Trees grow larger every year and with that growth they provide more shade for better insulation. Another plus is that the larger the tree is, the more privacy your home will have.

#4 They Just Look Good

Curiosities of the Canada Red Maple Tree

The last reason that trees can boost the value of a home is they make the landscape aesthetically pleasing. Trees and plants are beautiful to view and show the homeowner took time to create a beautiful landscape. Neighbourhoods with more outdoor trees and foliage generally reflect that it’s a good neighbourhood. That, too, can increase the value of your property.

At Caledon Treeland, we will provide the trees you need to make your home environmentally, economically, and aesthetically appealing. We have the best selection of trees in the Greater Toronto Area and offer a variety of shade trees and evergreens. Call us at (905) 880-1828. We’re standing by, ready to answer any questions you may have.

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